Request Support Services
Experience Support
The sometimes disturbing, difficult to believe or spiritual nature of anomalous experiences might lead an individual to seek professional help, but because these experiences often fall outside the realm of what is considered “normal”, there is often a lack of professionals willing or able to work with these issues. OPUS has recognized the need for a clearinghouse where an Experiencer can receive assistance in locating and choosing a professional who is knowledgeable about a particular experience in question.
OPUS can refer the Experiencers to physicians, licensed mental health practitioners, consultants, investigators and alternative health assistants. OPUS also refers to support groups of all kinds where experiencers can share feelings and concerns without fear of ridicule or embarrassment, while learning to understand, bridge and integrate what happened to them into daily life.
Recently, in addition to our face to face support group, OPUS has created an international “on-line” support group which can only be accessed by the members and is available 24/7. For UFO matters, OPUS networks with many like-minded groups and organizations such as Yvonne Smith and CERO (Close Encounter Research Organization), Dr. Leo Sprinkle and ACCET (Academy of Clinical Close Encounters Therapists, Inc), Barbara Lamb, MS, and previously with the late Dr. John Mack (JEMI) and Budd Hopkins (Intruder Foundation). For psychic issues, we refer to Loyd Auerbach of the Paranormal Network and for Kundalini, to the Kundalini Support Network and Kundalini Awakening Now. For spiritual emergencies, we refer to June Steiner PhD and the Spiritual Emergence Network.
Experiencer Support Team (EST)
If you would like to speak directly with someone about your contact or paranormal experiences, we can help you. The EST is a group of experienced, knowledgeable individuals who can offer free, confidential and non-judgmental assistance to experiencers. The EST associates do not provide therapy services but they can provide you with contact information for therapists and support groups so that you can decide if they are suitable for you. On the Support Request form, please indicate that you would like speak with someone about your contact or paranormal experiences, and a member of the EST will contact you shortly. Thanks!
We Support you, can you support us?
As a non-profit organization we depend on donations. We don't currently charge for support because people support us. We are a 501(c)3 organization. If you can donate at this time it would be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: This referral is for informational purposes only. OPUS does not recommend, refer or endorse any individual or organization. Certain risks are inherent in using any support provider. You must undertake due diligence with each provider you choose to work with. By contacting the individual(s) referred here, you agree to assume all risk and responsibility, and release OPUS from all harm, damages, risk and responsibility. OPUS is not providing medical advice or encouraging you to seek professional services. Under no circumstances will OPUS be liable for any damages to the user of a referral, either direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential, that result in any way from your use of, or inability to work with any referral. The groups or individuals referred here are not employed by OPUS, nor do they have any legal, financial, or business relationship with, or obligation to, OPUS. They are in private practice and expect direct payment for their services.