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OPUS Board Members

Les Velez

Chairman of the Board, Co-founder

Vice President of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley manufacturer’s representative company. Previously served as Assistant State Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, in Northern California and as an Abduction Specialist, MUFON International. Previously served as an officer in the United States Army Field Artillery Branch. Graduated from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.


Jason Wolf

Board Member, CTO

MIT - Physics, MIT Sloan  - Artificial intelligence - Academy of Art - Multimedia Visual Effects & Design, Stanford D.School, Author, Experiencer, Designer, Engineer and Strategists - Jason is an award winning design leader who creates meaningful and effective products and experiences for clients on a global scale. Experience includes companies such as Industrial Light & Magic, Macromedia, CKS Partners, MARCHFirst, Apple, Pixar, IDEO, SAP Labs, Microsoft, Infosys and Vianai (AI Startup)

June Steiner C.H.T.

Board Member & Past President

PhD. in Altered States Work with Physical and Emotional Pain - C.H.T. Clinical Hypnotherapist - MA in Transpersonal Psychology - Psychotherapist in private practice ( for 35 years, specializing in helping experiencers recall, process, integrate and accept their Anomalous events - Family Crisis Mediator - Fellow in the National Center for Crisis Management - Consultant to MUFON - 30 years experience in fields of paranormal, anomalous, shamanic, and mystery school.Educator, Lecturer, and workshop leader in fields of paranormal, hypnosis, conflict resolution, stress reduction, visualization and intention, communication skills, shamanism, and relationships and a lifetime experiencer of ufo and other extraordinary events.


Geraldine Orozco

Board Member

Certified Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, — Neuro Linguistic Practitioner N.L.P, Pranic Energy Practitioner — Quantum Energy Practitioner Meditation Master M.T — Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong Master — Shamanic Energy medicine Founder & CEO of San Francisco based - Bay Area Meditation which offers Intl. virtual corporate meditation programs. Founder & CEO -  —Virtual holistic and intuitive wellness nexus and social directory Founder – Intl. Research and Support Group for experiencers, Hybrid parents and ID Phenomena.


Geraldine provides insight as to how DNA is the currency of the past, present and future and how consciousness plays an important role. A life changing contact experience in 2013 resulted in the activation of psychic abilities. In 2017 she underwent several hypnotic regressions with vetted therapists. Regressions uncovered a life-long history of abduction and participation in human hybridization, with 24 hybrid children as the result. She is now dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of hybridization programs and research of the commonly held dogma of the human genetic timeline, historical record and human structure.


She is a Radio host, Artist, Intl Speaker and Youtuber you can Schedule a one on one session for Hypnotherapy at

Geraldine's story is now part of a 16 time winning documentary called ”Extraordinary The Seeding” - Focused on the Human ET Hybridization Program

Michael J. Buchele M.D.

Board Member

Michael J. Buchele, MD, majored in microbiology and minored in chemistry and physics in college, became an MD at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, became Boarded in Internal Medicine, and later Boarded in Emergency Medicine, the latter in which he worked until 2009, and now he works as a Hospitalist in Internal Medicine.  He has an interest in Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the HMF (Health Medicine Forum) in Walnut Creek, CA.  He has an interest in parapsychology, is a member of ISSSEEM and IONS, and is on the Board of Directors of ISC (The Institute for the Study of Consciousness) and on the Board of Directors of OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support).  However, he tries to balance his Fox Mulder “Believer” side on these “X-Files” topics, with his Dana Scully “Skeptic” side, by also being a member of the Bay Area Skeptics, and the Society of American Magicians (not to be a performer, but to learn how the illusions are performed).  He worked with Arthur Young at the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, until Young’s death in 1995. Arthur Young was the inventor of the Bell Helicopter, and the author of “The Reflexive Universe” and “The Geometry of Meaning,” which outlined his Theory of (Evolutionary) Process.

Mark Commerford

Board Member

Mark Commerford is one of the original board members for OPUS, drafting its articles of incorporation, bylaws, and obtaining its tax exempt status.  He has been an attorney since 1974 and recently retired from his position as a civilian attorney for the Air Force.  He has been studying about UFOs and the paranormal since 1958.  He has had two consciously recalled UFO related experiences.  He has also studied the reverse speech phenomenon and become adept at documenting and interpreting it with regard to public figures and experiencers.

Ruben Uriarte

Board Member, VP Treasurer

He is MUFON’s Northern California State Director and Deputy Director for International Investigations/Activities. Ruben has been interviewed on many local and national radio shows and television documentaries on the subject of the UFO Phenomenon. He has been co-authoring a series of books with Noe Torres about major UFO crash incidents that have occurred along the Southwestern United States  border with Mexico.

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Russell W. Scalpone

Board Member

Russell W. Scalpone, Ph.D. is a Consulting Psychologist, an adjunct faculty member at Northwestern University, and until recently, an adjunct graduate faculty member at Washington University in St. Louis’ Olin Business School. He has held positions within three Fortune 500 companies, and most recently, served as Corporate Director for one of the largest not-for-profit health care delivery systems in the U.S. His work over the past 40 years has entailed survey research, consulting, and training to optimize individual and organizational performance, and has taught creativity & Innovation at Northwestern for 16 years. He holds a B.A. degree from The University of Southern California, an M.A. from California State University, and a Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University, all degrees in Psychology. He currently serves as Managing Director of his own firm, The Scalpone Group, LLC. His website is Russ’ research interests include studying the organizational capabilities that make a firm successful at innovation, as well as the factors affecting human creativity and consciousness expansion. Most recently, he served as a board member for the Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE), and assisted in analyzing and interpreting data from a global survey of 3200 experiencers, that is, individuals who reported contact with nonhuman intelligence. This work resulted in a journal article A Study on Reported Contact with Non-Human Intelligence Associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, co-authored with Rey Hernandez, Bob Davis, and Rudy Schild, that was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

Garret Moore

Board Member

Garret Moore - has had a long informal interest and study in the general and new sciences, and the study of non-ordinary and anomalous experience. As a science illustrator, astronomical artist, and a Mufon field investigator, he also applies his visual abilities helping to understand UFO/ Alien issues. As an experiencer, he is familiar with effects and impacts of contact and sightings as well as the implications of any gleaned knowledge for our society and technology. Garret is also focused on the deeper implications in the understanding of our universe and human experience. Lifelong studies of cultural and spiritual practice, technology, sciences, astronomical and anthropological subjects and how awareness and human consciousness are evolving are central to his interests. Garret is also focused on education and facilitating visual communication on this knowledge and the many subjects whenever possible.


With Garret’s hands-on in visual development for leading science and technical institutions such as NASA, for Mars Mission Helmet concept HUD Designs, and test bed visualization for Orbital Crop Growth and Life Support Systems, SETI projects for major planetariums and other science entities demonstrates a competence of experience with formal space sciences and exploratory thought.


Gwen Farrell

Board Member & Experiencer Support Team

Gwen is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist specializing in Experiencer Therapy, past UFO field investigator, consultant and CE-5 researcher who has worked with alien abductees/contactee groups online and at conferences for over 13 years. She works with the OPUS Experiencer Support Team and is author of numerous articles and two books in the field of human-ET contact. Her book, Forbidden Questions: A Guide to Human-ET Contact, is available on

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Katie Weiss

Strategic Projects

Katie Weiss has more than twenty years of experience working at the intersection of business and highly technical teams, developing strategy, data products, communications and educational programs. Katie's work has spanned early stage startups to global brands and aerospace companies. In addition to her work in technology strategy, Katie channels messages from a collection of extra-sensory, non-physical entities she calls The Chorus. Today, Katie and The Chorus discuss many of the topics related to Human Awakening in their celebrated podcast, Our Next Existence, and in their first book, The Book of Human Awakening.

Advisory Board Members


Linda Moulton Howe

Advisory Board

Investigative reporter and editor History Channels "Ancient Aliens". iHeart Premiere Radio Network Coast to Coast AM KGRA's Phenomenon Radio. Advisory Board member of OPUS.


Laurie McDonald

Advisory Board

Laurie McDonald, is a graduate of the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Sacramento and was a member of the teaching staff at the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Effective Speaking and Human Relations courses, is a member of the Sacramento Institute of Noetic Sciences and is on the mental health referral list for organizations such as Passages of Malibu addiction center, MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and the past president of OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support). Her passion has been teaching life skills for self actualization and in conjunction with her hypnotherapy practice conducts personal empowerment workshops. Laurie is A.C.H.E. accredited and has been a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 1995.


Yvonne Smith

Advisory Board

Certified Hypnotherapist, author and lecturer, Yvonne has helped many victims of post tramatic stress work through their anxiety.  She notes that many subjects, during their regressive hypnotherapy sessions, describe alien abduction trauma.  Lecturing at universities and at many American and international UFO conferences.  An Advisory Board member of OPUS.


Melinda Leslie

Advisory Board

Melinda Leslie is an investigator in the field of Ufology with 30 years of experience. For over 9 years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona. Melinda is a UFO abductee and has been public with her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops human abduction experiences for 28 years and is considered by many to be the authority on a military and intelligence agency involvement in UFO abduction cases (a.k.a. MILABS). Both her research and personal experiences have been featured in 25 books by prominent authors in these fields. Melinda is on the OPUS Advisory Board as a consulting expert in UFO sightings, both paranormal and ET experiences, and the covert human agency involvement in abduction cases (MILABS).

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Terry Lovelace

Advisory Board

Lawyer, retired former State's Attorney for Vermont, author of "Incident at Devils Den" and Advisory Board member of OPUS

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Richard Lang

Advisory Board

FAA licensed commercial pilot with a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical studies from Embry Riddle aeronautical university in Florida.


Mr. Lang enjoyed a successful career with more than 20 years in the corporate world as a senior vice president working in brokerage and the trust investment division of commercial banks. In the post 911 period he temporarily left his banking career to serve as a special deputy with the u. S. Marshal service. He worked with the U.S. Dept. Of Homeland Security as a federal liaison for law enforcement, interfacing with airlines and airport authorities. He was a member of the anti-terrorist advisory council board (organized by the U.S. Attorney's office) and frequently served as key speaker on terrorism at quarterly regional meetings. He belonged to the UFO organization MUFON and completed training to become a certified field investigator. He was eventually appointed as chief investigator for both virginia and north carolina. He was one of the original 6 members of the mufon star team and the first manager of the team.


In 2009 Richard managed the BAASS /MUFON SIP project, that was facilitated through Bigelow aerospace and funded by the defense intelligence agency. At that time this was the most advanced, funded, rapid response ufo / uap investigative team in the world. He is the author of two books on the subject of ufo investigation which are being used by organizations and state chapters, to train people who are interested in ufo investigation. There are several chapters in these books about elevated states of human consciousness, multidimensional existences and the anti-physical aspects associated UFO / UAP events.


He is currently writing a book that's designed to help police officers and emergency first responders contend with close encounter events, dealing with experiencers and abduction cases involving extraterrestrial contact. Hopefully this book will enlighten them about the phenomena or at least be aware of it. In 2008 he was showcased as the lead investigator in the discovery channel tv series "ufos over earth and later in canadas discovery channel tv series close encounters he has been interviewed numerous times on podcasts and radio shows, as well as 3 times on coast to coast am with George Knapp.

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Daniel Stubbings

Advisory Board

Dr Daniel R. Stubbings is a registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health Care Professionals Council (UK), a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a registered Psychologist with the Australian Healthcare Professionals Regulation Agency and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). Dr Stubbings is a Principal Lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University on several degree programs. He has a growing portfolio of research that is expanding into the topic of unidentified anomalous phenomenon. Dr. Stubbings also works as a highly specialized psychologist in cancer and palliative care in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg National Health Service UK. Prior to this Dr Stubbings spent seven years working in secure mental health settings. He is currently networking with academics and experiencers to apply his knowledge of the psychological sciences and psychotherapy to the UAP/UFO issue

Experiencer Support Team


Marcie Klevens

Experiencer Support Team

Marcie Klevens, MA, LMHC is a mental health counselor in Washington State who specializes in working with paranormal experiencers, as well as, people going through spiritual awakening. Marcie is trained in both hypnotherapy and Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which are both outstanding tools to help people recover memory and process and move through trauma. Marcie has done extensive research into the contact and other paranormal phenomena over the last twenty-five years, as she grappled with a lifetime of paranormal experiences. Being a life-long experiencer has enabled her to see first-hand the transformative nature of these and other non-ordinary experiences.


Gwen Farrell

Experiencer Support Team & Board Member

Gwen is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist specializing in Experiencer Therapy, past UFO field investigator, consultant and CE-5 researcher who has worked with alien abductees/contactee groups online and at conferences for over 13 years. She works with the OPUS Experiencer Support Team and is author of numerous articles and two books in the field of human-ET contact. Her book, Forbidden Questions: A Guide to Human-ET Contact, is available on

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Daniel Hall

Experiencer Support Team

Dan is a retired college educator, He has an interest in UFOs, cryptids and ghosts and teaches community ed classes in each. He also co-hosts a podcast on the paranormal


Robert M. BeHanna

Experiencer Support Team

Robert BeHanna is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Master's degree in Community Counseling from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He also has a license through the state of Pennsylvania in drug and alcohol issues. Currently, he holds certifications in PTSD, trauma therapy and LGBTQI issues. Robert has been with Mufon for over 10 years as a member, field investigator, Past Experencer Research Team Member and a state section director in Pennsylvania.  He has joined Opus earlier this year to help individual who have had experiences in the alien abduction phenomenon.  His interest in UFO’s and alien abductions came at a young age after reading the book Intruders by Budd Hopkins.  He enjoys reading books, sports and computers.

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Dale Sobotka

Experiencer Support Team

Dale Sobotka, M.D.(retired), was Founder and Medical Director of Pacific Stress Medicine, P.S.  He conducted a private practice in general adult psychiatry for over 30 years in the Seattle-Everett, Washington area before retiring in 2020.


Since approximately 1989, he has had the privilege of interviewing, and where needed, working with, nearly 100 individuals having reports of alien abduction or contact experiences. Additionally, he has worked with many others over the years who have had concerns about a variety of “paranormal” experiences. 


Collaborating with several other like-minded healthcare professionals in the Seattle area, he has given numerous educational presentations to various physician groups having to do with the psychological and medical aspects of paranormal and UFO/UAP-related experiences. Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, he has also been a member of the American Psychiatric Association, Washington State Medical Association, Washington State Psychiatric Association; and served as President of the Snohomish County Medical Society in the year 2000.


As a member of the Experiencer Support Team, Dr. Sobotka provides educational

consultation (nonclinical), for EST associates responding to Support Requests.

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Denny Johnson

Experiencer Support Team

Denny Johnson has been researching and working with experiencers since 2016.  He served as a certified field investigator for MUFON from 2016 to 2019.  He was a member of  MUFON’s  Experiencer Resource team from 2019 until the end of 2021. He is currently consulting with experiencers for the OPUS Experiencer Support Team  as well as the Alien Contact Team.  Denny is a retired lawyer who spent his whole career working with clients in stressful situations, and he fully understands the need for confidentiality in these matters.

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Aleta DeBee

Experiencer Support Team

While working with Experiencers for over 7 years, Aleta has faced some of their fundamental questions, like why we are here, how we are related to visitors from other places, times, and dimensions. The “paranormal” and the ET visitors are linked, but how? Plus, the big question of “why me?” These questions are central to our survival and growth. Through contact with the unknown entities and energies, our Experiencers will help us to better understand who we really are. They are taking this journey of discovery for us all.

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