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Discussion of anomalous experiences and the importance of assisting individuals
June R. Steiner
Some examples of extra-ordinary or anomalous events are found in the UFO Encounter, the Near Death Experience, a Spiritual Crisis/Emergence, a Kundalini awakening, and the Shamanic Journey. These experiences range from the ecstatic to the profoundly traumatic, and regardless of where they lie on the spectrum are generally life-shaking or changing.
Categories of ufo experiences
June R. Steiner
Many people have multiple experiences, some over an entire lifetime. Others may only have one event. One person in a household may be singled out or entire families may share events. Screen memories may have been utilized to keep the person from awareness of what actually happened....
Bridging realities in anomalous support groups
June Steiner
Anomalous experiences of all kinds, positive and negative, have deep and lasting effects on our life and consciousness. How we deal with those experiences can make the difference between a growing sense of purpose and belonging, a feeling of being somehow special and better than, or shutting down and living a fear-based life.
Are all contact experiences like mine?
Gwen Farrell
While the vast number of human-ET contact scenarios are similar in some aspects, no two are exactly the same. Each human experiencer is an individual who perceives and processes his or her contact through their own brain and personality that are unlike any other brain and personality in the Universe.
A Therapeutic and Spiritiual Approach to Working with Experiencers
A true spiritual emergency! As stan and christina grof made clear in their book spiritual emergency, when personal trans-formation becomes a crisis, cosmologies of all the ancient and pre-industrial cultures describe visitations from space people. Until recently in our modern times, events of this nature often led to a profound psycho-spiritual crisis, since the reality of these experiences was not accepted by professionals and our culture at large.
Omega 4 Survey of Therapists Whose Clients Report Contact with Nonhuman Intelligent Beings
Russ Scalpone, Les Velez
Over the past several decades, many studies have attempted to understand the psychology of individuals who report contact with nonhuman intelligent beings (NHIBs), which often entails abduction and medical examinations performed by the NHIBs
How can I communicate with ETs?
Gwen Farrell
This question is arising more and more frequently from scientists, researchers and investigators who are convinced of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings and who want to take the next step of communicating with them. Interestingly, even some experiencers who have had contact for years are asking how they can initiate contract, rather than having to wait for ETs to come knocking on their bedroom doors at night. And yet, despite the growing interest in the subject, this may still be the most controversial of all the forbidden questions.
"I'm determined to prove aliens exist!"
Laurie McDonald
“Allow your mind to travel back to a time when you were aware that the UFOs were coming,” I said, calmly. “I want you to see that UFO in your mind, as if you were right there.” Suddenly, John’s breathing quickened. He was in a trance-like state and tears rolled down his cheeks.
Should I get therapy for my contact experiences?
Gwen Farrell
Not necessarily. While all human-ET contact events share similarities, each experience is as individual as the person who experiences it. Human-ET contact can manifest in a multitude of ways and can happen a single time or recur repeatedly over the course of a lifetime. Some experiencers respond to these occurrences with joy and a feeling of...
Omega 3: Revelation or Revolution --- A Comparative Study of Abductees
Robert B. LeLieuvre, Lester Velez, & Michael Freeman
Ring and Rosing (1990) compared individuals who reported Near-Death experiences with individuals who reported UFO encounters. They also compared the experiential groups with two control groups, one for each type of extraordinary encounter. They found high degrees of similarities both in antecedent life experiences and in consequences of these encounters. Interestingly, they also found such similarities in the control groups for each encounter, although both control groups scored lower on the dimensions studied.
Grandmother told me
In 1987 my grandmother told me that she had been watching an interview with Whitley Strieber about his new book “Communion” and she wanted me to go out and buy a copy of the book to read because she felt that it had something to do with me. At first I thought the content of the book must have something to do with the Catholics, because of the title and could not figure out why she would direct me to that system of belief.
Experiencing high strangeness
Imagine something happening to you that you didn't think was possible, that made no sense and that no-one or very few other people believed. Where do you go with that experience? Who do you tell? How do you keep going in a world that often doesn't accept what happened to you, in a world that sometimes suggests you might be just a bit crazy?